Monday, January 17, 2022

Dexter: New Blood Ending Explained

This post will include spoilers. So please if you haven’t seen Dexter: New Blood, I encourage you to watch it and then come back to get more information if you have unanswered questions. You have been warned. 

                                 Photo: Showtime

In the season finale of Dexter: New Blood we are left with our minds blown and our hearts broken. Although there are a fair share of people who wished that the original Dexter ended this way, most of us were left heartbroken to see such a loveable character meet his end. We have all invested in this character that we saw once again but for a brief moment. The question remains, why did it end this way?

Although there isn’t anything indicating that this is the end of the series. We can only hope that what we witnessed was just a dream. Dexter has gone his entire life not being able to connect with people, this includes his own family. He knew that a connection was out of reach for him throughout the original series and coming into this new season we saw that he may have reached some sort of connection to some new characters. Although it seems this way we soon find out that he has been living a lie and hasn’t been himself in years. This meant that his connections weren’t sincere, throwing him back to the “unable to have a genuine connection with someone”. This was until his son, Harrison, arrived. He didn’t think much of it at first and even lied to him to keep him away from finding the truth. Dexter seems to just push everyone away due to being scared of being an outcast. 

However we soon find out that Harrison has a problem of his own as well. A “dark passenger “, this is something that Dexter picks up on and begins to realise that he may have more in common with his son than he thought. Due to this throughout the season they begin to connect, although it wasn’t without a few arguments. But towards the end Dexter made the choice of telling Harrison about his true nature. Revealing that he was a serial killer, but insisted that he only killed “bad” people. Hiding his urge to feed his dark passenger. Up to this point Dexter hasn’t made a genuine connection with Harrison, he is manipulating a small detail that changes the way Harrison may perceive him. 

                               Photo: Showtime

It isn’t till the very end that Harrison confronts his dad and tells him how he doesn’t kill to be a hero, instead he kills for his own pleasure. Feeding the dark passenger is the main goal and it wasn’t to save innocent lives. Although the code did lead him to the path of killing bad people, it wasn’t due to his own decision but that of Dexter’s adoptive father, Harry. Once Dexter comes to terms with the fact that he enjoys killing, he realises that he had opened himself to Harrison. He feels something he never felt before, relief. Combined with his son’s thought of not wanting to harm innocent people gave Dexter a bigger relief. He then asks Harrison to shoot him and Harrison goes along with it. We see Harrison driving away with a letter from Dexter and he seems to be relieved as well. Finally getting the answers he was looking for and knowing more about himself and his father.

Season 2 possibilities:

There are a few ideas for a possible season 2. One of these ideas consists of Dexter not being dead and somehow living after being shot, having the bullet miss his heart by mere centimetre's. This idea, although farfetched is one a lot of Dexter fans are hoping for. It is the miracle a lot of us wish for. Another idea is that Harrison will continue the Legacy with a different code of his own. After seeing what his father is capable of and not agreeing with killing innocent people. He might decide to only killing bad people with no mistakes. This will create a whole new character development that we wished we could have seen more of in Dexter. No matter what a possible next season may bring. We all hope to see Michael C. Hall return as the infamous Dexter

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