Thursday, February 10, 2022

Apex Legends New Season

 With Apex having a new season that launched this past Tuesday. I believe that it can be a great time to begin playing or return if you left. Now with another character, Mad Maggie, you are able to choose a character that may fit your aggressive gameplay.

Picture by EA

Mad Maggie:

    The new legend that was added to the game is non other than Mad Maggie. With a couple of ability that we may all find impressive. Her passive ability is being able to run with a shotgun and still running at the pace that you would if you holster your guns. It can be very useful when playing aggressive. This allows you to have a gun out and being able to turn corners and shoot without the delay of taking out your weapon giving you an advantage in combat. Another of her passive abilities is that the targets that she shoots is briefly marked for herself and teammates.

    Continuing to her tactical ability she shoots out a drill that shoots a fire that burns through obstacles. This can be used on walls and on Gibby domes forcing your opponent out of hiding. It can do a maximum of 160 damage if your opponent refuses to move when being hit. 

    And lastly her ultimate ability is to unleash a wrecking ball that drops pads that give anyone who runs over them a boost. This wrecking ball will detonate if it gets near enemies dealing 20 damage and concussing them.


    Along with the release of a new character there was a release of a new game mode. The game mode is called Control, it is a game mode where you have to take control of up to 3 points. The more areas that you control the faster the meter goes up for your team. This game mode is a 9v9 game. With 3 squads in a team and up to 2 other people in a squad with you. You have infinite heals and ammo for the guns you chose. You are able to respawn as many times as needed. There are care packages with weapons and tactical abilities along with ultimate abilities available. It is a fun game mode to play with friends or by yourself. It is said to be a Limited Time Mode and as of now there is no indications that it will remain in the game. So enjoy it while you still can.

Pictures|| Left: Olympus |Right: Kings Canyon by EA

Ranked Maps: 

    The first split of ranked will take part in Olympus. With map changes and more POIs to visit. There is better escape from choke points that may have caused frustration in the map before. 
    The second split of ranked will be in Kings Canyon. Although many people aren't fond of Kings Canyon, I am willing to bet that it is a far better map than StormPoint. With a map that most people who have played Apex know and a map that new players can get familiar with easily. Kings Canyon was a great choice for the second split.

Pictures|| Left: Crypto | Right: Caustic by EA

Legend Changes:

    Crypto got a major change to his tactical ability. Allowing him to throw his drone instead of stopping and going into it when his tactical ability is activated. This can be great for quickly scanning over obstacles and gives crypto a big buff and advantage that he needed for a while.
    Caustic  got a change in his barrels. With a nerf that causes his barrels to be destroyed by dealing damage to them after being activated, it gives other players the ability to push those annoying caustics that use the unbreakable barrels to camp inside buildings. This nerf was to make sure that there were counters to all defensive characters in game.

Movement changes:

    There were some changes to the way that players are able to move. With a nerf to tap strafing and punch boosting. When attempting to punch boost, you will notice that there is no change to the speed that you are sliding. This was made to give even chances to everyone and making the game more fair. A lot of people do not like these changes but as of now they are in effect.

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