Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Batman

Picture: Warner Bros

I think enough time has passed for me to talk about the movie but first I will say that I strongly recommend you to watch it if you have not watched it yet. Even if you are merely curious about it, I say watch it! Don't go looking for someone to tell you that it is good or bad since I was told that it wasn't all that good, only to find out that it is one of my all time favorite movies. This is your warning that this article may contain spoilers so read at your own discretion.

Picture: Warner Bros

A new Perspective:

I know that when you think of Robert Pattinson you may think of Twilight and wonder "how could Edward Cullen ever play the role of Batman". I definitely had that thought. I thought that it would make me cringe seeing him try to play vengeance himself. I however was met with a type of Batman that felt to be new yet it still felt like Batman should feel. It gave everyone a type of Batman that isn't like others where he flexes his money. Instead he stays true to a dark and low profile Bruce Wayne unlike the Bruce Wayne portrayed by Christian Bale, where you see him be more outgoing and charismatic. I felt that the dark nature of this Batman was perfect for the setting and the interpretation of Gotham that was created.

Picture: Warner Bros


The Batman has a runtime that some may find too long. However I always find myself saying "that's it? That's how it ends?" with other movies. However this is not the case for this film. From the begging of the movie you are introduced to a character that isn't well described and kept a "mystery". The way that the story progresses is made for you to ask questions but it doesn't leave you hanging by your fingers off a cliff (cliffhanger). Instead it does a well job answering the questions slowly to keep the audience intrigued. We know that the main character is the Riddler, and he is perfect to introduce a background in the Wayne family that isn't talked about in other batman films. We know that Riddler kills "liars" and those that are corrupt. This makes him feel more like the villain that we can understand yet we are well aware that he is the villain. Throughout the movie we learn a lot about Gotham and the Mob. We get plenty of action scenes accompanied by a great soundtrack that by now has been stuck in many peoples head.
Picture: Warner Bros

Character Development:

Characters are supposed to feel somewhat relatable in order to make the movie fun, right? Well even if that isn't the case, we are offered a couple of characters that come across as "real". By this I mean that they face problems that people may actually face in real life. This makes the movie come across as more relatable than fiction. Of course there are obvious signs that the movie is fiction but adding these details does make it more enjoyable to watch since we don't have to imagine scenarios or ask ourselves "how would that happen?". Instead we understand where characters come from and why they act a certain way. Overall I believe the characters were great and their story was well executed.

Final thought:

In my opinion, The Batman has been the movie that not many expected. I definitely didn't. I went in wanting the movie to be great and I ended up thinking that it was great! I can safely say that I put this movie on my top 10 movies of all time. With this said, I hope you enjoyed seeing a new take on Batman and enjoyed this version of the Riddler. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend you watch it so that you can judge for yourself. Whether you are a fan of Batman or not, it makes for a great film.

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