Friday, May 6, 2022

Morbius, the greatest film of all time

 For those who haven't seen the movie, I suggest you make a decision right now. To potentially get the best movie ever spoiled to you. Or to watch the masterpiece yourself. Fair warning, Spoilers ahead.

Pic: Sony

Lets start off with saying that people online are talking about Morbius without stopping. It has truly taken the world by surprise. I kid you not, no other movie can compare to this. If you can think of another movies better, then please keep it to yourself. All jokes aside, there are so many people that disliked Morbius for many reason and I am one of those. I have seen it first hand how people meme this movie. In my opinion it felt forced. By this I mean there is little to no character development. It feels like the movies is just the trailer that lasts one hour and 44 minutes. Personally I liked the idea of Morbius joining the MCU but after seeing the movie. I feel like it could've waited a while longer.

Pic: Sony

The Plot:

Starting off with Michael Morbius as a kid with a blood disease. They show us his genius at a young age and skipping to him in the present. He promises to one day find a cure to this disease to help himself and his best friend. Eventually he is able to get his hands on vampire bats to begin some tests. He begins to get some great results that lead him to want to be the subject to a successful test done on a mouse. He asks his bestfriend for monetary help. He ends up going to the middle of the ocean to do his human trials. He is successful but at the cost of him becoming a monster. He finds out that he has the desire to drink blood. He tries to find a way to use the synthetic blood that he created previously in his life. 
Pic: Sony

Final Thought:

Let's be real there are lots of better movies and lots of better options to watch. Morbius was a flop and everyone agrees. But also a lot of people like to meme by saying it is the best movie to exist. I personally believe the movie was alright. Nothing to wow you but also not completely boring. I watched it once and that was enough times. If I do watch it more times then it would definitely get boring. I recommend giving it a go if you want to get some background to the character and continue with the multiverse story. Otherwise don't waste your time and money.

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