Sunday, July 24, 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder Review

Spoilers ahead please be aware of potential spoilers if you haven’t seen the movie yet.

Thor:  Love and Thunder
Pic: IGN


In my opinion the plot to this movie is great. It covers a good portion of Thors life that we simply don’t see before. We knew that Thor had feelings but it was all put into a brief pause due to the events of the avengers movies. Now we get to see more of thor and a deeper view at how he really feels. I personally love the plot since it brings back a lot of excellent characters. The entire god-killer bad guy sounds cheesy but it makes sense and it is made to get you rooting for the bad guy once in a while. Of course, it being a Marvel Movie the good guy always wins and there is some sort of lesson to be learned but apart from the predictable ending it gives a lot to look and think about. My personal favorite part about this movie is the return of Jane Foster played by none other than Natalie Portman. The movie does have its sad bits and pieces but it is by far one of the best recent Marvel movies in my opinion. Of course you already know my view on Dr. Strange in the Multiverse Of Madness. If you haven't read my review then go ahead and check it out here. With the introduction of other gods I feel like there is so much potential for more Thor based movies. I would definitely love to see some more gods in action. It would take away from what we are used to in the Marvel Universe but it would be something fun to watch. It would definitely be less confusing than the multiverse that Marvel keeps trying to push out.

Thor and Jane Foster
Pic: IMDb

Final thoughts:

I do believe that you should watch this movie if you haven't yet. I would definitely say that it is far better than that of Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. I probably wouldn't watch this movie more than twice in the cinema but I do plan to watch it at least one more time since it has been better than most of the movies I have seen from Marvel recently. I do believe that the plot for Love and Thunder is good although not great it gives you that "what happened to Thor" after you saw him as "bro" Thor when he gained weight and gave up on being a superhero. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Minion: Rise of Gru Review

  In case you didn't know before. This movie has been in the top 3 movies in the Pandemic era. With this in mind. Is Minions: Rise Of Gru really that good? Or was the hype around the memes what caused the movie to get the views? In my opinion. The movie was good compared to the previous instalments. I wouldn’t say it was my favorite but it was definitely good. Now here I will give a more in depth review. 

Minions Rise of Gru screenshot
pic: IMDb


With the story being the continuation of the first Minions movie but before the events of Despicable Me. Minions: Rise of Gru (MRoG from now on) tells a story of young Gru before he was known as everyone's favorite villain, as he embarks on an adventure to meet his idol. Not by choice but because he got kidnapped. He got himself in a predicament when he tried to join a team of elite villains in order to accomplish his dream of being, dare I say, Despicable. He got rejected for being a kid which then led to him stealing from the elite team of villains in order to prove himself as capable of joining them. However they took that as a threat and went after him. Of course his idol ,(name here), was kicked out of the elite team for being too old despite him being the creator of the team. He then decides to go after Gru to get the item he stole. This way he can get his revenge on his former colleagues. 
Gru walking with minions opening door

Final Thoughts:

In all honesty I would say watch the movie once if you enjoyed the previous installments. The memes definitely overhyped the movie quite a bit and that is probably why people aren't really watching the movie anymore or aren't talking about it anymore. With the whole ban on people who watched the movie in suits it made people quickly realize that they memes went too far. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Doctor Strange into the Multiverse of Madness Review

 Before I begin I would like to let you know that there will be spoilers and if you haven't watched the movie then please be warned.

Pic: Marvel


I have been a big fan of Doctor Strange and I believe that his story can be very fun with the possibilities that the MCU can go. In the Multiverse of Madness(m.o.m). Which takes place after the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home and Endgame. It begins with a dream that wakes up Dr. Strange. We then go along with the story not knowing what the point of the dream was. Until we see a girl from the dream outside of the dream indicating that the dream was not a dream. Immediately we get a bit confused as to what is going on. But as the story progresses we get some explanation. Although the story telling isn't my favorite out of the MCU so far it was executed well. We are introduced to other universes that explain how the whole MCU is connected. I know that this sounds like a lazy idea that opens the possibility to do whatever the writers want. It can still be used to build upon the previous films. By lazy I mean that they can introduce many characters into the films without the worry of killing them off. Which comes to my least favorite part of the entire movie. When they introduced the versions of Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) who was killed not soon after, in a brutal way may I add. The same with an alternate version of Captain America and Captain Marvel both which also died. Professor Charles Xavier was also shown but was no match for the Scarlett Witch. But the dumbest death in my opinion and the part that changed my mood for the whole film was the death of black bolt. It was very dumb and really made me mad. But if you look beyond that then the movie wasn't that bad. The ending leaves a lot of possibilities open for upcoming movies.

Pic: IMD

The possibilities:

Towards the end when Wanda collapses the building I believe that she does not die. The reason I believe she is not dead is because the other deaths in the movie are explicitly shown in all universes. While her death isn't explicitly shown. The camera zooms out and we are left to "trust" she dies. If you stayed long enough to see the part where Dr. Strange gets a third eye then you realize that he now possesses new powers that can be shown in future films. With the appearance of Clea you know that there will be a dynamic duo with Clea and Dr. Strange.

Wanda Maximoff
Pic: Disney

Final Thought:

I overall enjoyed the movie but unfortunately due to the deaths and the brief introductions it really through me off and I ended up disliking it. I just hope that in the future they don't do this unless they give a better story. It just felt like they did it just because they could easily dispose of that universe and introduce a new one if things don't turn out good for future films. Hence the lazy writing. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Morbius, the greatest film of all time

 For those who haven't seen the movie, I suggest you make a decision right now. To potentially get the best movie ever spoiled to you. Or to watch the masterpiece yourself. Fair warning, Spoilers ahead.

Pic: Sony

Lets start off with saying that people online are talking about Morbius without stopping. It has truly taken the world by surprise. I kid you not, no other movie can compare to this. If you can think of another movies better, then please keep it to yourself. All jokes aside, there are so many people that disliked Morbius for many reason and I am one of those. I have seen it first hand how people meme this movie. In my opinion it felt forced. By this I mean there is little to no character development. It feels like the movies is just the trailer that lasts one hour and 44 minutes. Personally I liked the idea of Morbius joining the MCU but after seeing the movie. I feel like it could've waited a while longer.

Pic: Sony

The Plot:

Starting off with Michael Morbius as a kid with a blood disease. They show us his genius at a young age and skipping to him in the present. He promises to one day find a cure to this disease to help himself and his best friend. Eventually he is able to get his hands on vampire bats to begin some tests. He begins to get some great results that lead him to want to be the subject to a successful test done on a mouse. He asks his bestfriend for monetary help. He ends up going to the middle of the ocean to do his human trials. He is successful but at the cost of him becoming a monster. He finds out that he has the desire to drink blood. He tries to find a way to use the synthetic blood that he created previously in his life. 
Pic: Sony

Final Thought:

Let's be real there are lots of better movies and lots of better options to watch. Morbius was a flop and everyone agrees. But also a lot of people like to meme by saying it is the best movie to exist. I personally believe the movie was alright. Nothing to wow you but also not completely boring. I watched it once and that was enough times. If I do watch it more times then it would definitely get boring. I recommend giving it a go if you want to get some background to the character and continue with the multiverse story. Otherwise don't waste your time and money.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Batman

Picture: Warner Bros

I think enough time has passed for me to talk about the movie but first I will say that I strongly recommend you to watch it if you have not watched it yet. Even if you are merely curious about it, I say watch it! Don't go looking for someone to tell you that it is good or bad since I was told that it wasn't all that good, only to find out that it is one of my all time favorite movies. This is your warning that this article may contain spoilers so read at your own discretion.

Picture: Warner Bros

A new Perspective:

I know that when you think of Robert Pattinson you may think of Twilight and wonder "how could Edward Cullen ever play the role of Batman". I definitely had that thought. I thought that it would make me cringe seeing him try to play vengeance himself. I however was met with a type of Batman that felt to be new yet it still felt like Batman should feel. It gave everyone a type of Batman that isn't like others where he flexes his money. Instead he stays true to a dark and low profile Bruce Wayne unlike the Bruce Wayne portrayed by Christian Bale, where you see him be more outgoing and charismatic. I felt that the dark nature of this Batman was perfect for the setting and the interpretation of Gotham that was created.

Picture: Warner Bros


The Batman has a runtime that some may find too long. However I always find myself saying "that's it? That's how it ends?" with other movies. However this is not the case for this film. From the begging of the movie you are introduced to a character that isn't well described and kept a "mystery". The way that the story progresses is made for you to ask questions but it doesn't leave you hanging by your fingers off a cliff (cliffhanger). Instead it does a well job answering the questions slowly to keep the audience intrigued. We know that the main character is the Riddler, and he is perfect to introduce a background in the Wayne family that isn't talked about in other batman films. We know that Riddler kills "liars" and those that are corrupt. This makes him feel more like the villain that we can understand yet we are well aware that he is the villain. Throughout the movie we learn a lot about Gotham and the Mob. We get plenty of action scenes accompanied by a great soundtrack that by now has been stuck in many peoples head.
Picture: Warner Bros

Character Development:

Characters are supposed to feel somewhat relatable in order to make the movie fun, right? Well even if that isn't the case, we are offered a couple of characters that come across as "real". By this I mean that they face problems that people may actually face in real life. This makes the movie come across as more relatable than fiction. Of course there are obvious signs that the movie is fiction but adding these details does make it more enjoyable to watch since we don't have to imagine scenarios or ask ourselves "how would that happen?". Instead we understand where characters come from and why they act a certain way. Overall I believe the characters were great and their story was well executed.

Final thought:

In my opinion, The Batman has been the movie that not many expected. I definitely didn't. I went in wanting the movie to be great and I ended up thinking that it was great! I can safely say that I put this movie on my top 10 movies of all time. With this said, I hope you enjoyed seeing a new take on Batman and enjoyed this version of the Riddler. If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend you watch it so that you can judge for yourself. Whether you are a fan of Batman or not, it makes for a great film.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Apex Legends New Season

 With Apex having a new season that launched this past Tuesday. I believe that it can be a great time to begin playing or return if you left. Now with another character, Mad Maggie, you are able to choose a character that may fit your aggressive gameplay.

Picture by EA

Mad Maggie:

    The new legend that was added to the game is non other than Mad Maggie. With a couple of ability that we may all find impressive. Her passive ability is being able to run with a shotgun and still running at the pace that you would if you holster your guns. It can be very useful when playing aggressive. This allows you to have a gun out and being able to turn corners and shoot without the delay of taking out your weapon giving you an advantage in combat. Another of her passive abilities is that the targets that she shoots is briefly marked for herself and teammates.

    Continuing to her tactical ability she shoots out a drill that shoots a fire that burns through obstacles. This can be used on walls and on Gibby domes forcing your opponent out of hiding. It can do a maximum of 160 damage if your opponent refuses to move when being hit. 

    And lastly her ultimate ability is to unleash a wrecking ball that drops pads that give anyone who runs over them a boost. This wrecking ball will detonate if it gets near enemies dealing 20 damage and concussing them.


    Along with the release of a new character there was a release of a new game mode. The game mode is called Control, it is a game mode where you have to take control of up to 3 points. The more areas that you control the faster the meter goes up for your team. This game mode is a 9v9 game. With 3 squads in a team and up to 2 other people in a squad with you. You have infinite heals and ammo for the guns you chose. You are able to respawn as many times as needed. There are care packages with weapons and tactical abilities along with ultimate abilities available. It is a fun game mode to play with friends or by yourself. It is said to be a Limited Time Mode and as of now there is no indications that it will remain in the game. So enjoy it while you still can.

Pictures|| Left: Olympus |Right: Kings Canyon by EA

Ranked Maps: 

    The first split of ranked will take part in Olympus. With map changes and more POIs to visit. There is better escape from choke points that may have caused frustration in the map before. 
    The second split of ranked will be in Kings Canyon. Although many people aren't fond of Kings Canyon, I am willing to bet that it is a far better map than StormPoint. With a map that most people who have played Apex know and a map that new players can get familiar with easily. Kings Canyon was a great choice for the second split.

Pictures|| Left: Crypto | Right: Caustic by EA

Legend Changes:

    Crypto got a major change to his tactical ability. Allowing him to throw his drone instead of stopping and going into it when his tactical ability is activated. This can be great for quickly scanning over obstacles and gives crypto a big buff and advantage that he needed for a while.
    Caustic  got a change in his barrels. With a nerf that causes his barrels to be destroyed by dealing damage to them after being activated, it gives other players the ability to push those annoying caustics that use the unbreakable barrels to camp inside buildings. This nerf was to make sure that there were counters to all defensive characters in game.

Movement changes:

    There were some changes to the way that players are able to move. With a nerf to tap strafing and punch boosting. When attempting to punch boost, you will notice that there is no change to the speed that you are sliding. This was made to give even chances to everyone and making the game more fair. A lot of people do not like these changes but as of now they are in effect.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Does Music Help stay focused?

Whether you have a project for school or just want to get something done. There is one thing that can help motivate you and stay focused on your task. Music. The fact that music has the power to influence your mood shows just how helpful it could be. Even if you aren't happy, listening to an upbeat song can help create that happiness. 

Type of Music

Picture: Pandora

If you really want to create an atmosphere that helps stay on task, consider creating playlists that won't distract you too much yet one that won't give you anxiety. I noticed that listening to a radio-like medium helps the most. An example of this is Pandora. You create stations based on songs you like and plays similar songs, or you can choose a genre. The reason I believe this works is because it shows similar songs that you like and not the actual songs you like, therefore you are less likely to sing along. Unless you don't sing along, then any playlist you create would be great. Listening to classical music has been shown to help stay focused, but I know that some people may get sleepy after a couple of songs. I would suggest giving it a shot just in case you find out that classical music is what helps you the most. 

Quality Sound Matter

Picture: JBL

Sound quality can be very useful when listening to music. You don't want to be able to get distracted by bad quality of some earbuds. Therefore you can always invest in a pair of quality products to create a better atmosphere. Maybe you want some noise cancelling to prevent external noise from bothering you. Or you simply want better quality. After all, listening to songs in better quality does help. If you are interested in some nice products that can help stay focused, you can trust JBL to help.

3 Games You Should Try at Least Once

 1. Fallout 4:

Picture: Bethesda

Although Fallout 76 is the newest Fallout game up to date, it surely isn’t my favorite. I would however highly recommend everyone to play fallout 4. With that single player play through it is the perfect game to play for hours at a time. There are mods you can install as well that can make playing more fun. These mods can be installed on console as well. The storyline follows your character on a path to the new world after a nuclear war, resulting in fallout. With your characters journey to find out the truth of his life and that of his family’s role in all of it. Enough said, Fallout 4 is an adventure and action packed game that tends to be a bit gore at time. I would recommend only for a mature audience. 

2. Control:

Picture: Remedy Entertainment

Control is a fun single player game that follows a unique storyline that is filled with action. With main objectives and side objectives, this game will always have something to offer. As the story progresses you learn more about the character and what she is capable of. The side mission also grant you special perks that can help you in the main storyline. So I suggest doing a couple of them and using that to your advantage. If you haven't heard of Control, I suggest you look it up and  give it a shot.

3.Jedi Fallen Order:

Picture: EA

I know a lot of people are familiar with the Star Wars franchise and some may have already played the game. But to those who haven't, why not? Maybe you are a prequels fan and refuse to play anything past the actions of Order 66. All jokes aside, this game is filled with fun worlds to visit and collectibles that I am sure you will like. After Order 66 is executed a couple of Jedi survive and amongst those that survive is Cal Kestis. As he was a Padawan during the end of the republic, he goes through a few memories throughout the story that helps and guides him to the path he was in before. Reminding him what a Jedi is and why they had once existed. I highly recommend playing this game, and to those that have already. Why not try again on a harder difficulty? or maybe a lower difficulty so that you don't sweat as much and can pay attention to the storyline a bit more. I am joking once again. Just try Jedi Fallen order.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

3 Things to watch available on Amazon Prime Video

Prime videos has had a lot of movies and shows that are binge worthy throughout the years. Here I present 3 things to watch on this streaming service. In case you don't have Amazon prime, you can try it for free for 30 days (for US and first time customers only)

1. The Boys: 

 Photo: Prime Video

The Boys is a series that takes place in a world where superheroes may not necessarily be the good guys we hoped for. With a more realistic point of view, The Boys show the way superheroes may act in the real world. With a age rating of TV-MA, I recommend only watching if you are okay with violence and gore. If you are able to watch through those scenes, you will see that there is action packed adventure. If you want something to binge then this may be great for you. With 2 seasons out you can binge a handful of episodes and keep yourself busy for days. I highly recommend watching this show, it gives a new twist to the life of living in a world with superpowers that many just ignore. It isn’t another Avengers movie, instead it is more complex and I am sure you will like for its sincerity in the depiction of superheroes. 


Picture: Prime Video

The story of a man who is from a distant planet who comes to earth and has superpowers sounds familiar, but this show has more offer than that simple story. Filled with complex problems and following the life of the son of the man from a distant planet. It gives a great story line filled with action and adventure. Follow the story of the coming of age superhero that goes by the name of “Invincible” in his journey to following the steps of his father in order to take the roll of Earth’s protector. With an age rating of TV-MA, I strongly suggest to watch if you don’t mind violence. Other than that warning, I highly recommend to give this show a chance. 

3. Hotel Transylvania: Transformania 

Photo: Prime Video

One of the most popular family movies comes with another movie to add to the rest. With it being one of the most viewed movies out there in the US. You can’t go wrong with watching it. Whether its with friends or family, Hotel Transylvania is a great option for movie night. Filled with comedy, adventure, and science fiction. This movie is amongst my favourite family movies. I suggest watching it with family to enjoy a good laugh and have a good time. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Dexter: New Blood Ending Explained

This post will include spoilers. So please if you haven’t seen Dexter: New Blood, I encourage you to watch it and then come back to get more information if you have unanswered questions. You have been warned. 

                                 Photo: Showtime

In the season finale of Dexter: New Blood we are left with our minds blown and our hearts broken. Although there are a fair share of people who wished that the original Dexter ended this way, most of us were left heartbroken to see such a loveable character meet his end. We have all invested in this character that we saw once again but for a brief moment. The question remains, why did it end this way?

Although there isn’t anything indicating that this is the end of the series. We can only hope that what we witnessed was just a dream. Dexter has gone his entire life not being able to connect with people, this includes his own family. He knew that a connection was out of reach for him throughout the original series and coming into this new season we saw that he may have reached some sort of connection to some new characters. Although it seems this way we soon find out that he has been living a lie and hasn’t been himself in years. This meant that his connections weren’t sincere, throwing him back to the “unable to have a genuine connection with someone”. This was until his son, Harrison, arrived. He didn’t think much of it at first and even lied to him to keep him away from finding the truth. Dexter seems to just push everyone away due to being scared of being an outcast. 

However we soon find out that Harrison has a problem of his own as well. A “dark passenger “, this is something that Dexter picks up on and begins to realise that he may have more in common with his son than he thought. Due to this throughout the season they begin to connect, although it wasn’t without a few arguments. But towards the end Dexter made the choice of telling Harrison about his true nature. Revealing that he was a serial killer, but insisted that he only killed “bad” people. Hiding his urge to feed his dark passenger. Up to this point Dexter hasn’t made a genuine connection with Harrison, he is manipulating a small detail that changes the way Harrison may perceive him. 

                               Photo: Showtime

It isn’t till the very end that Harrison confronts his dad and tells him how he doesn’t kill to be a hero, instead he kills for his own pleasure. Feeding the dark passenger is the main goal and it wasn’t to save innocent lives. Although the code did lead him to the path of killing bad people, it wasn’t due to his own decision but that of Dexter’s adoptive father, Harry. Once Dexter comes to terms with the fact that he enjoys killing, he realises that he had opened himself to Harrison. He feels something he never felt before, relief. Combined with his son’s thought of not wanting to harm innocent people gave Dexter a bigger relief. He then asks Harrison to shoot him and Harrison goes along with it. We see Harrison driving away with a letter from Dexter and he seems to be relieved as well. Finally getting the answers he was looking for and knowing more about himself and his father.

Season 2 possibilities:

There are a few ideas for a possible season 2. One of these ideas consists of Dexter not being dead and somehow living after being shot, having the bullet miss his heart by mere centimetre's. This idea, although farfetched is one a lot of Dexter fans are hoping for. It is the miracle a lot of us wish for. Another idea is that Harrison will continue the Legacy with a different code of his own. After seeing what his father is capable of and not agreeing with killing innocent people. He might decide to only killing bad people with no mistakes. This will create a whole new character development that we wished we could have seen more of in Dexter. No matter what a possible next season may bring. We all hope to see Michael C. Hall return as the infamous Dexter

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Thor: Love and Thunder Review

Spoilers ahead please be aware of potential spoilers if you haven’t seen the movie yet. Pic: IGN Plot: In my opinion the plot to this movie ...

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